Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Huricane Prep ... Ian

 A major hurricane is about to hit Florida. In fact, as I'm typing this, the southern parts of the state are already feeling the effects of Hurrican Ian. His a BIG GUY! We live on the "right" coast - the Space Coast, on the Atlantic side of the state. We will likely be getting major tropical storm effects from Ian starting tomorrow and through Thursday ... wind and LOTS of rain. We're ready!

Sew - what's a quilter-who-knits going to do while the power is still on?

1. I cast on a cowl with some beautiful alpaca yarn that I got on our trip to Maine last month. A warm, soft cowl that I will never wear here in Florida but the yarn was hard to pass up so it came home with me. Now I'm dreaming of a reason to head north when the weather cools.

2. I cut and prepped all the wool pieces for my Sue Spargo September BOM - it's all ready for the fancy stitches.

3. I finished a donation Christmas quilt. 


A Christmas quilt?

Several weeks ago, I was looking for something in a bin that is often homed in the guestroom bathtub. We don't get THAT much company. The bin sort of exploded all over my sewing room.

In the box was a cute panel and some HST's, among a whole lot of other stuff. Well, one thing lead to another and suddenly a scrappy quilt started growing under my needle.

The half-square triangles were already stitched into pairs. I had just enough for side borders. There were several pieces of Christmasy neutrals that were perfect of additional borders. This quilt was growing fast.

I even had plenty of already stitched scrappy piano key border fabric made. Last year (or was it the year before?) I got into some mindless sewing. I sewed and sewed - strips and scraps of Christmas fabric. I trimmed it all up to 4.5" and stored it back in the Christmas bin. 

What a find!!

A little yardage and some extra pieces = the perfect backing and just enough of a green for binding.

The quilt is done and ready to ship up to my former guild in Maryland. Southern Comforters of Bowie is very active in donating quilts all over the state - hospice centers, hospitals, schools, wherever there is a need. 

Both M's are hunkerd down with Hurricane snacks and hand-work projects. Jim Cantorri is on the Gulf Coast so I think we're pretty safe. We'll be checking in on Facebook. 

Keep Stitching,

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