Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Stars Aligned

 M&M released a new pattern, you can find it on the M&M Sew Charming Facebook Group. Its called : Stars Aligned. I loved making this quilt. There was a lot of bits and pieces, strips and squares and miscellaneous scraps that were used up and are now gone from the stash.

You can read more about how this quilt went together for me here: Keep Me In Quilts. Marjorie designed several different layouts for the blocks. I had to come up with something entirely different ... and NOT because I was being disagreeable (me? never!) You can read the beginnings of the journey here on the blog : M&M Sew Charming

I chose sashing because I did NOT square-up the blocks until they were all stitched and they were not pretty. My corner stones and last 2 strips needed to be aggressively trimmed. This eliminated any chance of my seams matching if I stitched “block-to-block”. Sashing strips solved this problem. For my setting, I used 1.5” sashing strips in white and black prints and a constant yellow corner stone. I did sashing between the blocks and around the outside of the quilt top. I finished off the quilt with a green ombre fabric and a small section of piano keys with all the leftover scraps.


Press and square-up your block with each round. This will keep things much tidier and give you more lay-out design options because your blocks will fit together nicely.

Keep Stitching,

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